Elementary School

Elementary School

The Lower School consists of Grades One Two, Three and Four. Each classroom contains a language-rich technology-enhanced classroom where the homeroom teacher teaches the four core subjects: Math, Social Studies, Science and Language Arts (including reading, spelling, writing, grammar and the mechanics and usage of English). We follow Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL’s) and use the same or similar textbooks as the Fairfax County Public Elementary Schools. The homeroom teachers also offer art periods and other enrichment activities. In certain daily block periods, specialty teachers come to the classroom and offer age and level appropriate classes in Arabic, Qur’an and Islamic Studies. We have a dedicated physical education teacher who divides her time between all grade levels.

Grades Two and above participate in the daily salat at Dhuhr Prayer Time. By January or February, the First Graders also join the prayer times along with the older children. Kindergarten children have recess on the playground during the group prayer times. Every day is divided into eight teaching block periods, with shorter periods on Friday due to Jumaa Prayer.

WIA encourages project-based, “hands on” learning using pair-share and small group activities, so that the children receive rich, diverse input in a memorable and fun, active way. First and Second Grade both have interactive digital Smart Boards that are used to learn all subjects.